About Canton, Minnesota

Canton’s population has remained constant through its history at just under 400. For many years its economy was based on agriculture, as were so many rural Minnesota cities. This has changed, however. Increasingly more of its citizens are young families, who like the small town flavor of Canton, the affordable housing, closeness to various large cities that offer employment and easy access to a major highway. In recent years, Canton’s business community has experienced significant growth, with restaurants, antique shops and specialty services among the offerings.

The third weekend of August, the people of Canton take a “day off.” The city’s annual summer celebration dates back to 1903. These days, Canton Day Off includes a BBQ contest, beanbag tournament and live music. For dates and events visit cantondayoff.com. Every December, Canton celebrates Christmas with its annual Santa Day and lighted parade.
Abundant pheasant, deer, raccoon, and turkey populations, as well as great trout streams, make hunting and fishing a major attraction around Canton. Groomed snowmobile trails run through the area and city.
City of Canton, Minnesota
City Hall is located at 106 N Main St., Canton, MN 55922
Phone: (507) 743-5000
Email: clerk@cantonmn.com
The City of Canton is an equal opportunity employer and provider.